First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge

The Book of Galatians: Freedom in Christ
The Book of Galatians: Freedom in Christ

For this fall season, on September 18th, we’ll go through the book of Galatians, start to finish. This six-chapter letter to the churches in Galatia, modern-day Turkey, is all about our freedom in Christ. It serves as a great introduction to how we are saved from our sins. Even more, it provides a real-life example of how people in Biblical times disagreed with one another and took a stand for their beliefs. In our culture, in this election season, in the ongoing circumstances of change all around us, it’s vital for us to stand for our beliefs while also standing together.


As we've been going through the school year, on the second Sunday of each month, we have reflected on the word "home." What it means to be home, the struggles that come with home, and the joy knowing that earth is not our true home. This Lenten series will show us how to find our home in God by relating stories of people from scripture who have truly found their home in God, no matter where they have roamed or strayed. Please join us on Sundays!

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