First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


2018 Summer Intern Biographies

Posted by Austin Hill on

Meghan: Hi, my name is Meghan Hanley. I just graduated from high school this spring and will be attending Iowa State University in the fall to study Journalism and Mass Communications with a minor in Business. I love Saturday Night Live, The Rolling Stones, and slushies (a little too much). I am so excited to be the Tech & Communications intern this summer!

Jazmine:   I'm Jazmine Spurrier and I am a social work major at the University of Northern Iowa. I love coffee, the color blue, loving babies in different countries, and anything sparkly. I would love to be a missionary, and eventually move back to Fort Dodge. 


Autumn:  Hi! I’m Autumn Baedke. I have been a member of fpcfd since I was born and have always felt like it is home. I love to be with my family, watch movies, be with my friends, and taking naps with my dog. I am excited to be interning this summer with 707!


Nick:  My name is Nick Nordstrom, and this is my fourth time being an intern here at FPC! I just graduated from Iowa Central and will be attending Iowa State University in the fall to study Journalism & Mass Communications! I've been attending 707 since I was a Junior in High School, and I'm very excited to once again have this opportunity to give back to a program that means so much to me!
