First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


austin's update 7/29

Posted by Austin Hill on

I sometimes hear that people feel like First Presbyterian Church is actually two different congregations. Our church is large enough that is easy to stay involved in one portion of the church while not meeting people who are involved in another segment of the church. Since we have two...

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Tags: blog, first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc, fpcfd, iowa, pastor austin

sara's update 7/29

Posted by Sara Hill on

What a privilege it was to serve the RAGBRAI riders who stayed at our church! It was wonderful to see so many people from such a large cross-section of our church come together to serve. My favorite part was surprising people with radical hospitality. People asked how much the...

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Tags: associate pastor, first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc, fpcfd, iowa, sara

austin's update 7/22

Posted by Austin Hill on

Earlier this year, the Valley Male Chorus of Rock Valley, offered an amazing concert in our sanctuary. I had never heard them perform before, so I didn’t know what to expect. I was blown away at the talent and dedication of the entire group. At the end of the concert, they offered a...

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Tags: first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpcfd, pastor austin, fpc blog