Join us each Sunday at 10am in the Sanctuary. CHRISTMAS EVE at 4pm and 7pm in the Sanctuary. IN-PERSON & ONLINE - Bulletin HERE. Click these links to watch on YouTube or Facebook.
On March 15th, members of the councils of North Central Iowa Presbytery, Prospect Hill Presbytery, and Des Moines Presbytery met together to hear a vision of collegiality for the future. Over 30 pastors and ruling elders listened to this vision and heard the story of the 3-year-long process of...
Larry Lee – Serving the Community Through PICA
Jan and Phyllis Wilson organized PICA (Pride in Community Appearance) in the fall of 2002. I joined up with the group shortly after that, and I continue to be part of PICA. Wilsons, in their retirement, decided to take on a project in...
We have exciting news coming up! I can’t tell you just yet, though. We will unveil the news on Easter Sunday in both worship services. Our staff has been making plans for this announcement for the last few months and we can’t wait to let you know. So mark your calendars for Easter...