Hi Friends!
Austin and I depart on Memorial Day to make the 24-hour trip to Tel Aviv, Israel. I’m hoping for a window seat from Newark to Tel Aviv! Along with 23 other pastors from our Presbytery, our group will spend 2 weeks traveling throughout Israel with 3 tour guides. We have been...
A few weeks ago, Sara and I got in an argument. It lasted the better portion of an hour. The lively discussion was centered around whether we were going on a trip to Israel or a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In case you’ve ever wondered, this is the sort of stuff we argue about, and I did...
This last Sunday was our last Sabbath Sunday of the year. During the service, we discussed Psalm 90:12. Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Sabbath is an opportunity for us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Numbering our days is an interesting...