My family had a great time at the Home Fest at First this weekend. In particular, the kids loved the Donut Man, the bouncy house, the face-painting, and the outdoor worship service both Saturday night and Sunday morning. As we were driving home on Saturday night Lylah said, “mom, guess...
With the summer coming to an end, we approach an exciting time! In the last seven years of life in Iowa, I’ve come to love the Fall – the beginning of fall sports, the mild weather, the beautiful changes in the scenery, preparation for...
In Mark 3, Jesus chooses some of his disciples to go up on a mountain with him, and it’s there that he reveals that he’s chosen these 12 men to be his apostles. These 12 men are the ones that Jesus gives authority to: authority to preach and to cast out demons. From his many...
In our liturgy we use in worship services marking significant life events, we sometimes use the phrase, “Without God’s grace, no promise is sure.” Indeed, there is much uncertainty in life. One of the only things for which we can be...
Fuller Theological Seminary has been conducting a study of churches with successful youth ministries in recent years. They’ve put the study together in the form of a book, entitled, Growing Young. In preparation for the book launch, they have been sending out various email newsletter...