First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


austin's update 12/15

Posted by Austin Hill on

Sunday was a special day. Between services, families from our church traveled around Fort Dodge, blessing whomever they met – paying for meals, praying people, and hearing their stories. A little later, our senior high bell choir played in our second service, and it was so cool to see some new faces in the choir this year.

This last Sunday evening, we filled the Friendship Haven Celebration Center for Cookies and Carols. It was an evening filled with beautiful music and meaningful connections, all while enjoying great food. However, my highlight of the day happened after the official events. About 18 people (including my toddlers!) went to visit Jim McNally in his room at Friendship Haven, so we could bring the Christmas carols to him. Packing his room to the brim, I had to hold back tears as we harmonized together, singing Silent Night. People young and old, singing of the night that changed the world, reminding one another of how God has changed us. Even with Jim’s decline in health, he knew the words and appreciated the songs. What a joy it is to be a part of so many cool things in one day! It’s humbling to think that all of these moments are made possible by the sustained, faithful generosity of all of you. Sometimes it’s easy to take for granted all the ways God is at work among us.

As we draw near to the end of 2015, I would like to encourage you to continue in your generosity to this ministry. Your tithes and offerings sustain this ministry and allow us to participate in this awesome ministry to which God has called us. And if you ever wonder whether your giving makes a difference, ask anybody who was blessed by what transpired this past Sunday.

Austin D. Hill
