Austin's Update 4/17
As Sara and I strive to raise our children to know the love of Jesus, we frequently ask ourselves what we need to be teaching them, how we need to be model certain behaviors, or having specific conversations with them. It often feels like a moving target, to be honest. Our kids challenge us with honest, often hard questions. They ask how we know that God created all things, why we need to forgive people, or why we need to do things even when they’re hard or when we don’t feel like it. In addition to thinking about how we raise our children, it’s forced me to regularly consider how I live my own life.
And as an adult, especially one who works in a church, it feels like I sometimes get an easy “out” when thinking about how I live my own life. So I’ve been thinking a lot, lately, of what I do in a specific day that is because of my faith in Jesus.
We are beginning a new sermon series for the late spring that explores these questions. Starting on April 22, we are asking the simple question: “So what?” What difference does our faith in Jesus make in our lives? Asked another way, “How does a Christian life look different from any other life?” Through the coming weeks as we celebrate Confirmation, Mother’s Day, Senior Sunday, Pentecost, and other upcoming events we will use all of these times to ask how our Christian faith shapes these parts of our lives.
Austin D. Hill
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