austin's update 4/25
My brothers and I were recently having fun thinking about movie titles that could be easily adapted to be sermon titles. We shared many laughs while we thought up these titles. Here’s a sample of what we came up with:
- The Faith Awakens
- The Big Short: A Zachaeus Story
- The Reverend
- Interstellar Prayer
- The Born Again Identity
- Terminator Genesis
- The Hunger Games: Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Movies have incredible power. They tell stories in a unique way that captures our imagination and can motivate us to consider new ideas. Movies can move us to tears while filling us with laughter, anger, or excitement. Movies can change our vocabulary, and inspire new trends in clothing. We buy cereal in the shape of movie heroes and clothing that was presented in movies. In short, movies can change our lives.
Throughout this summer, we will consider a wide variety of movies and how they can point us to particular truths we find in Scripture. Starting on May 22nd, we will begin a new sermon series entitled “Reel Faith.” Each week during this series, we will use a few minutes of video footage from a particular movie to draw out themes from Scripture in creative ways.
Similar to our summer sermon series from 2014, Rock of Ages, these movie clips will not feature anything inappropriate and they will provide a new way to consider timeless truths. In addition, it is my hope to show how we can take something so commonplace as watching movies, and use it to help us encounter more of God’s presence.
As we get closer to the beginning of the series, we will publish the list of movies so you can watch them ahead of time if you’d like to have an idea of where we’ll go in the sermons. I invite you to join with Sara and me this summer as we learn more about God through film.
Austin D. Hill
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