First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


austin's update 8/2

Posted by Austin Hill on

Fuller Theological Seminary has been conducting a study of churches with successful youth ministries in recent years. They’ve put the study together in the form of a book, entitled, Growing Young. In preparation for the book launch, they have been sending out various email newsletter articles and blog posts.
In the most recent email article, I read some fascinating findings from this study. Here is some of what they reported:
• 40% of young people interviewed specifically mentioned wanting to be challenged by their church
• One student said, “I think churches have fallen into a consumer mindset as a default mode. Churches have tried to appeal to people’s desire to feel good. But the problem is, if you’re just trying to make people feel good, church isn’t going to measure up to that.”
Young people want to be challenged, to be called into a new way of life. We are tempted to think that we need to water down the Gospel, or what happens in church to make it more palatable. However, in so doing, our church loses its saltiness. To quote Matthew 5:13:
Even more, there is a desire to be authentic about what it means to follow Jesus – the good and the bad. People desire more and more to be challenged together, to support one another, and encourage one another in the journey of following Christ.
With whom are you partnering in your journey? Have you allowed others to challenge you in your faith?

Austin D. Hill
