austin's update 9/13

For those who missed our congregational meeting this last Sunday, we are excited to announce the launch the Psalm 98 campaign! Psalm 98:4 says, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth.” Through this campaign we seek to do just that. We are updating the audio/visual systems of our church facilities.
More specifically, we are upgrading the sound system in the sanctuary and incorporating a video projection system, we are installing a projector in the commons, and we are installing a projector enclosure for the Christian Life Center.
These upgrades will improve the sound intelligibility in the sanctuary. One of the biggest issues we have with our current sound system is that people find it hard to understand what’s being said. Further, our speakers often cut out. This new system will provide clarity throughout all portions of the sanctuary. In addition, this system will be fully integrated with all its components and it will be digital. This will allow our technology components to work more easily and unobtrusively during a service, and volunteers will have more flexibility when using the equipment. It will no longer require the technology operator to stay in the sound closet, and using the multi-media devices will be much more straightforward.
We are completing all of these upgrades at once because it will ensure optimal functionality of the equipment and set us up for future upgrades/repairs with minimal complications. After all, our current sanctuary sound system is as old as our technology coordinator; well beyond its shelf life!
The technology team received bids from three different companies and is excited to utilize the services of Custom Sound Designs, based in Indiana. This company works exclusively with churches and averages roughly 150 projects a year. They know their stuff and do great work. I had a very positive meeting with Doug, their representative, who drove all the way out just to meet with us before the congregational meeting.
Session has approved up to $140,000 for these updates. We are hoping to raise funds for these upgrades by December 31, 2016. If we can do this, we will be able to have everything installed before Easter in 2017. Our Foundation has agreed to provide a match for every dollar given up to $70,000 meaning that your contributions will have twice the impact.
Our Psalm 98 Campaign is running from September 11 through December 31. During that time you can give through any of the online recourses; just give to the “Psalm 98” category. You can also give on Sunday morning. We will have special Psalm 98 Campaign envelopes you can use, or just write “Psalm 98” on the memo line of your check.
We’ll have updates posted on our website, Facebook page, newsletters, and in worship about the progress we are making. We also have an FAQ booklet, and a flyer that are available in the office and on Sunday mornings in the narthex and CLC hallway. You can visit our website for more information too. Just go to
I encourage you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to contribute to this campaign this fall. I am confident we can raise the $70,000 needed so that we can continue to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Austin D. Hill
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