Austin's Update (January 2022)
Coming up on Sunday, January 30th, we are commissioning Chris Helton at 4pm. This will be an exciting time, as our church has helped Chris reach this milestone. From Marcia Rich’s significant involvement in organizing the Presbytery Lay Academy, annually supporting college students through scholarships, to our sending students to seminary, this church has a rich history in equipping people for ever increasing types of service.
In this new role as commissioned pastor, Chris will still be responsible for church administration, but he will also be taking on some new ministry responsibilities, too. In the coming weeks, our staff is working on adapting our current job descriptions to make sure that all the needs of our church are being met with our current staff. After this preliminary work happens, the Session and Personnel Ministry Team will review the plan and ultimately approve a process to move forward.
After ongoing transition, our current staff have been working very well together and there is truly a sense of comradery. We are excited to plan for the future and see how God continues to lead us in this time. We’ll keep you posted as this process continues to unfold in the coming weeks.
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