First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 10/20

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Our Deacons’ Brown Bags ministry will impact 123 families in Fort Dodge this fall. The Deacons are collecting items to put together 123 Thanksgiving meals for families in our community who might not otherwise enjoy a meal on Thanksgiving. The names of these families were given to us from Head Start and UDMO. The bags will be delivered by our Wednesday Night Live students 8 days before Thanksgiving.

Would you consider partnering with the Deacons to make this ministry happen? It costs about $28 per bag to buy all of the food. This includes a $15 meat voucher to Fareway for a turkey. The next time you go shopping, could you buy the listed items and bring them to church? You can find the listed items in another part of this newsletter. Or, if you would like to contribute financially, you can make a check out to the church with “Brown Bags” in the memo.

Each year I marvel at the generosity of our church to make this ministry happen. The Deacons reach out to hundreds of families both within our church and outside our church each year. What a tangible way we can reach out to those in need in our community.

Thank you for your partnership and I’ll see you in worship!


Tags: first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc, fpcfd, pastors update, pastor sara
