First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 1/23

Posted by Sara Hill on

I wanted to update all of you on the changes to staffing at the Presbytery level in North Central Iowa. Because of the shrinking size of the membership within our Presbytery, steps were taken last year to partner with other nearby Presbyteries to combine in a few areas. As we seek to follow God and be good stewards of our resources, our Presbytery sought to partner with neighboring Presbyteries to share office space and office personnel.  Beginning last year, all 6 of the Presbyteries in Iowa were invited to begin conversations about partnering together in a number of different ways.

Local Presbyteries came together last March to host Heath Rada, the Moderator of the General Assembly. We also look forward to an all-Iowa Presbytery meeting in June of this year in Ames. In an effort to be proactive about the changes coming in the next decade, our Presbytery leaders want to begin talks about combining now, instead of reacting when such combining becomes necessary because of financial resources or another reason.

To that end, the office of the Presbytery of North Central Iowa is now located in Milford, IA. The presbytery office building in Waterloo was closed and sold. No personnel were let go in this change: David Feltman, who lives in Waterloo, now works out of an office at First Presbyterian Church, Waterloo. One office administrator retired, and the other one found employment elsewhere before the talks of closing the office began.

We have new Presbytery support staff in Milford: Ms. Jeannie Stolee is the administrative assistant for our Presbytery and for the Presbytery of Prospect Hill. Mr. Donn Martens is now the finance manager for both Presbyteries and for the Lakeshore Center (formerly known as the Presbyterian Camp). They both work out of the Lakeshore Center on Okoboji.

Below is the new contact information, should you need it.

Let’s pray for Donn, Jeannie, David Feltman and the others in this new transition. David especially has put in many hours of work and miles on his car to make this transition a smooth one.


See you in worship,


Rev. David A. Feltman 
Pastor to the Presbytery 


Donn Martens
Finance Manager
Lakeshore Center at Okoboji
Presbytery Office 
1864 Hwy. 86
Milford, IA 51351


Jeannie Stolee
Administrative Assistant
Presbytery Office 
1864 Hwy. 86 Milford, IA 51351


Rev. Dr. S. Glenn Wilson
Stated Clerk, North Central Iowa Presbytery
515-924-3259 – Home
515-341-5467 – Cell 

