First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 4/25

Posted by Sara Hill on

Last Thursday morning I did a CrossFit workout with two church members. It took us about 20 minutes, and when I finished I collapsed to the floor, trying to catch my breath. The 2nd person finished around the same time I did. But instead of sitting on the floor next to me, she immediately went over to the 3rd person to start encouraging her and cheering her on. For the last few minutes of her workout, this 3rd person was cheered on. The 2nd person even matched her movements so she wouldn’t be working out alone. It was a beautiful picture of encouragement and being outwardly focused. Here I was on the floor, thinking of no one but myself and my exhaustion… Here was this other woman, putting her own exhaustion aside to encourage her friend.

Do we so often get caught up in our own schedules and busyness and exhaustion that we miss opportunities to encourage others? Can we do a better job of having “Jesus eyes” and seeing a need around us? May each of us look outward this week to encourage others. In this way, we will experience the kingdom of God around us.


See you in worship,

