sara's update 5/24
Hi Friends!
Austin and I depart on Memorial Day to make the 24-hour trip to Tel Aviv, Israel. I’m hoping for a window seat from Newark to Tel Aviv! Along with 23 other pastors from our Presbytery, our group will spend 2 weeks traveling throughout Israel with 3 tour guides. We have been excited about this trip for over two years now. Through an international program called Macedonian Ministries, pastors who are geographically close to each other commit to spend 3 years in a group growing together and strengthening each other. The highlight of this cohort is a trip to the Holy Land during the second year. Our presbytery has two cohorts through Macedonian Ministries, and we have met together each month for 4 hours since January 2015 and gone on a 24-hour retreat together last June. We pray for each other, laugh with each other, grow from one another, and support each other in sadness and difficulty. Thanks to the generosity from the Cousins Foundation in Atlanta, participation in the Macedonian Ministries program is financially possible for us pastors.
After our first night in Tel Aviv, we will spend 5 nights in Tiberias, near the Sea of Galilee. We will see Nazareth, the Mount of Beatitues, Casearea, Capernaum and other places. As we sail on the Sea of Galilee, let’s hope Austin doesn’t jump out of the boat and swim to shore like he did when he was 15!
Then, we will spend 6 nights in Jerusalem. We will see the Mt. of Olives, the Wailing Wall, walk the Via Dolorosa, visit Jericho, see the Garden Tomb, float in the Dead Sea, and much more. I would be remiss not to say that I am also looking forward to working out at CrossFit Jerusalem!
Preaching and pastoral care coverage has been arranged, and please call the church office if you need anything. Austin and I will return to the office on June 14th (slightly jet-lagged, I’m sure). We can’t wait to share adventures of our travels. Please keep us in your prayers- for safety and health and for us to experience God in a new way! And keep Grandma & Grandpa Hill and Nana and Pop Randall in your prayers as they care for Lylah and Everett, too.
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