sara's update 9/13
Dear Friends,
Author Glennon Doyle Melton, in her new book Love Warrior, writes “I wonder why it’s so much easier to be honest with strangers than with family.” We pondered this question together in worship on Sunday. One reason could be that with strangers, we don’t have to worry about long-term relationships that get complicated and last over the course of good times and bad times. With strangers we have the option of only letting them in as much as we want to. But with family, they are with us through thick and thin, we are more fully known by family. With family, in your own home, there are bigger stakes when you are real and let your guard down.
Doyle Melton writes, “We can be perfect and admired or real and loved.” With strangers, we can be perfect and admired. We can portray our lives as rosily as we want. But God calls us to the more difficult task of living with our families at home, and being real. God has called us to make First Presbyterian Church our home, so may Jesus command in Luke 8:39 to “return to your home and declare how much God has done for you,” be a command to us, too. May this command help us recommit to the work of sharing Christ in our homes. May it help us to recommit when the days are difficult and long. May it help us to recommit even when people make us angry or frustrated. God has also placed each of us in this community of First Presbyterian Church to share with each other all that God has done. May this command also help us recommit to our church family- to be encouraged by others’ stories and share our own story.
See you in worship,
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