First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 9/27

Posted by Sara Hill on

I’ve always been a fan of the Manning family. From when Archie played football at Ole Miss while my dad and uncles were there, to Peyton and the Colts and Eli with the Giants, my family has always rooted for their team. (Except, of course, when the Giants play the Eagles. Then I can't root for the Giants.) When Peyton Manning was quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts he was a member of the local Presbyterian Church, and his pastor told Rev. Tom Tewell a great story about Peyton’s priorities. Tom shared them in his most recent devotional that is emailed out each week. Tom writes, "Every week during football season when the Colts had a home game, lay people would tell the pastor that they had to miss church because the Colts had a 1:00 pm kick-off. They had to prepare food for the tailgate meal before the game and get to the stadium in plenty of time to get to their seats. However, every Sunday at the early service, Peyton Manning was in worship! He sat in the back balcony and left during the final hymn… but he was present in worship. He had to quarterback the team in the game that day… and yet he still made worshiping God a priority.”  This makes me respect Peyton even more. Peyton is as busy as any of us, especially during football season, and yet he made time for God each week. This has encouraged me in my own relationship with God and making it a priority each morning before the rest of my family gets up. How can Peyton’s dedication to God encourage you in your own relationship with God? If you’re ever away on a Sunday, remember you can listen to or watch our sermons through our website,

See you in worship,

