First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 10/6

Posted by Sara Hill on

Do you have a story that your family tells over and over at Christmas time? My family always tells the story of how the fully decorated Christmas tree fell over in 1993 and just ask me to tell you the story of the missing gold tennis bracelet! Maybe your family story is a family...

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Tags: blog, first presbyterian church fort dodge, fpcfd, sara's update

austin's update 9/7

Posted by Austin Hill on

On Sunday, August 30th, we announced exciting news in both services! Our search committee has finished its work. Earlier this year, the committee invited Gabriel to be our full-time music director, and at the end of August, our committee invited Libby Redmond to be our...

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Tags: blog, first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc, fpcfd, iowa, pastor austin

sara's update 8/26

Posted by Sara Hill on

Friends I am excited for all of the events going on this fall! While praying about what studies to lead this fall, I sought the Holy Spirit’s guidance and I feel like the Holy Spirit answered my prayers! I was led away from other studies to the two I have picked in what can only be...

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Tags: blog, first presbyterian church fort dodge, fpcfd, sara's update

austin's update 7/29

Posted by Austin Hill on

I sometimes hear that people feel like First Presbyterian Church is actually two different congregations. Our church is large enough that is easy to stay involved in one portion of the church while not meeting people who are involved in another segment of the church. Since we have two...

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Tags: blog, first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc, fpcfd, iowa, pastor austin