austin's update 2/29
This newsletter article comes to you from a rare occasion. In fact, it may be the first time I’ve ever written an article during this time.
Leap Day.
While thinking the eight Leap Days I’ve experienced in my life, I was taken back to a family memory from 24 years ago. A second grader then, I remember vividly the experience of losing one of our family pets. Sharing the memory with my family through a group text message, we reminisced about that pet.
We were stricken by how long ago the event transpired. 24 years ago. It dawned on me that in about 18 months, I’ll be able to say that I have memories from 30 years ago.
Each of us have moments like this from time to time. Even Scripture describes this experience. Psalm 90, a prayer from Moses says in verse 12, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
When we have these moments of contemplating the span of life, there usually are two responses: 1. We are humbled as we recognize the frailty of life, that none of us know the numbers of years allotted to us. 2. We are grateful as we contemplate the rich experiences we’ve enjoyed in this life so far.
Either way, both of these responses lead us toward having a deep appreciation for today. Each day is a gift – because we don’t know how many we have, and because we know the potential each day has to bring great memories and see God at work in our midst.
By the time you read this, your Leap Day will have already passed, your “extra” day this year will be gone. However you used that extra day, you also have today, the day you read this. Before you do anything else, thank God for today. Ask God to show you the incredible potential of today.
In one day, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. In one day, David slew Goliath. In one day, Peter and James baptized 3,000 new Christians. In just one day, Jesus reconciled the world to God.
How will you use today?
Austin D. Hill
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