Austin's Update 8-28-19
The Associate Pastor Nominating Committee has very exciting news to present! The committee has spent the past several months researching, interviewing and praying to find the candidate who is being called to serve our church in the role of Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation. This is an ordained position which will oversee the faith development of all children and youth.
Our committee consists of these members: Brie Evans, Kait Helton, Laurie Johnson, Liddy Hora, Luke Hugghins, Doug Murtle, and Jen Pederson. We thank you for your patience and confidence in us over these past 10 months.
After months of praying and discerning God’s will, the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee is pleased to announce that we have offered a call to Rebecca Dix to be our new Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation.
Rebecca is a native Iowan from Aplington. She went to Northwestern College in Orange City, IA, and has spent the last several years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She went to seminary there receiving a M.Div. and a Th.M degree. Since graduation, she has lived there, doing part time youth ministry and preaching while also working as a full-time chef. We are very excited for you to meet her and get to know her in the coming weeks! More details about her will be coming to you in the mail soon.
Please mark your calendars for Sunday, September 15th, when she will be preaching in both services and we will have a congregational meeting at 12:15 to officially call her to this position. This will also be our church picnic Sunday after the second service, and Heritage Sunday where we celebrate our 50-year members. It will be a wonderful day of celebration that you won’t want to miss.
Blessings, Austin
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