Austin's Update (October 2022)
Thank you to everybody who turned out for the two town hall conversations we’ve had in recent weeks about our worship services. In both gatherings people brought their honest opinions and experiences forward. Further, people have continued to offer helpful input between those gatherings and afterward.
We will continue to take in more information from people in multiple forums. So please spread the word that we are still taking input from folks. If there is anybody in the congregation you think we should reach out to, please also let us know.
We continue to consider a variety of options as we look to the future. We are considering the possibility of a Wednesday evening service after our all-ages dinner. Of course, this would require a revamping of our mid-week schedule.
Another option includes having one blended service on Sunday mornings possibly around a middle hour like 9 or 10am. This service could be similar to what we’ve been doing in the summer months of recent years. It could be in various locations or skew more contemporary or traditional on a week-by-week basis.
We are also considering other options or various combinations of what I’ve described above. Also, there is still the option of keeping our current schedule as it is, too. As we continue to gather information and reflect about what will be the best option moving forward, we will continue to communicate what the plans will be.
In the coming weeks, please note these following special Sundays: October 30th, after our first service, around 9:55am, we’ll have our fall congregational meeting to elect 2023 church officers. November 6th we’ll serve Communion in both services and host our Presbytery in the afternoon. On November 13th, we’ll host our women’s praise service in the sanctuary, emphasizing the ministry of women in our congregation. Harvest Home Dinner will be on November 20th, immediately following one service we’ll have that day at 10am in the sanctuary. Then Advent begins on November 27th.
Please be in prayer as we consider together the nature of our worship together for the coming months and years.
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