First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


Sara's Update 11/14

Posted by Sara Hill on

On November 5th I was installed as the Moderator for the Presbytery of North Central Iowa. This is a one-year position, from the 1st Sunday in November 2017 through the 1st Sunday in November 2018. This past year I was vice-moderator and watched Rev. Kerry Carson serve in the Moderator role. I am honored that the nominating committee of the Presbytery asked me to fulfill this position and hope and pray that I can serve well. As Moderator of the Presbytery I will attend any larger gatherings of the church that need representation from our Presbytery, including the All-Iowa Presbytery conversations that are on-going. I will also moderate our Presbytery meetings, serve as the alternate-delegate to the General Assembly in 2018, and preside over all ordination, installation, and commissioning services that take place within our bounds. Our Presbytery is comprised of 46 churches. After my term is finished, I will serve as the Moderator of the Council in 2019. The Council is the leadership board of the Presbytery, comprised of the moderators of all the Presbytery committees, the vice-moderator and moderator of the Presbytery, and 3 at-large members. Thank you for your prayers as I answer this call to serve our denomination. At the meeting my aunt reminded me that I am a 5th generation Presbyterian, and knowing that made me even more excited to take on this role.
