First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


Sara's Update 3/20

Posted by Sara Hill on

On March 15th, members of the councils of North Central Iowa Presbytery, Prospect Hill Presbytery, and Des Moines Presbytery met together to hear a vision of collegiality for the future. Over 30 pastors and ruling elders listened to this vision and heard the story of the 3-year-long process of conversations, prayer, and discernment that led to the creation of this vision.

This excites me for the future of our Presbytery and for the distinctively Presbyterian witness we can have in Iowa. As a member of this team that drafted the vision for the future, I was proud of what we presented on Thursday. It reminded us that we are stronger together and better together, especially in a world that seems more fractured than it was even a decade ago. Each of the Presbyteries in Iowa have a heart for furthering the mission of Jesus Christ, a passion to see congregations and pastors thrive, the need for clear administrative leadership, and a desire to be good stewards with the resources we have been given.

These conversations are exciting to witness and participate in and I’m grateful that my role as Moderator of the Presbytery has allowed me a seat at the table for them. I will share more with you in the coming months, and we all covet your prayers. God is certainly up to something within our Presbyteries. Please pray for our discernment and wisdom as we seek to align with the movement of God’s Holy Spirit among us.

See you in worship,

