First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


Sara's Update 4/17

Posted by Sara Hill on

On April 9th I received a puzzled look from 3 and 4 year olds when I told them: “we’re going to plant our garden today!” One of them responded: “but it’s snowing!!” I smiled and nodded. Then, I revealed that we would begin our garden inside in plastic cups until the sun warmed up the ground and we could plant our flowers outside. 24 enthusiastic children planted marigold seeds into cups and then gave them a drink of water before covering them with saran wrap and placing them in the window sill where the plants receive plenty of warmth from the afternoon sun. Our vegetable garden will once again offer free vegetables to many people in our community. I am excited about this experiment we are taking together as a church! We’re getting some dirt under our nails, learning some new things, and building new relationships with others in our community. I can’t wait to see what grows this year- both in terms of vegetables and also in terms of relationships. To garden takes hope, which reminds me of our call as Christians. We plant seeds in the ground with the hope that someone beautiful will emerge weeks later. As followers of Christ we hope in the actions of Christ even when we can’t see them. We have hope that Christ has the final say over sin and death. We have hope that Jesus Christ will reconcile all things to Himself. Thank you to our preschool teacher, Amber Gambill, for allowing me to spend time with each of her classes to plant flowers.
