sara's update 6/20
Hi Friends!
Austin and I had an incredible time in the Holy Land. One word that can best describe the trip is enriching. It enriched me personally as it brought vision to my faith by seeing the places where the Biblical events took place. It will enrich my ministry for the years to come as I can describe in greater detail these Biblical places and provide pictures and first hand knowledge in my sermons and classes. It enriched our Presbytery as we 25 pastors prayed, sang, ate, toured, laughed, and studied together for two weeks. Our Presbytery will be better for taking this trip together. The trip also enriched Austin’s and my marriage as we enjoyed traveling together for two weeks.
In the coming months Austin and I will share about our trip, both in a presentation-style format one evening, and in a more in-depth format over the course of a few weeks during the Sunday School hour. We will keep you informed about when these events are going to take place.
When someone asks me my favorite part, I say that the three things I enjoyed the most were floating in the Dead Sea, visiting Jacob’s Well in Samaria, and sailing on the Sea of Galilee. I can’t wait to share more about our trip. Thank you for praying for us while we were away.
See you in worship,
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