First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 9/22

Posted by Sara Hill on

This past Saturday, 10 couples from our church attended Fight Night in Ankeny. After a delicious dinner at HuHot, we gathered to hear Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott talk about marriage and how to fight well. Each of us learned tips on better communication. It was a fantastic evening with practical ways to improve our marriages and how we communicate with our spouses.

The next morning, I gathered with other couples in the Fellowship Hall to discuss the book Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. We were so engaged in conversation that we didn’t even have time to watch the DVD curriculum, so we will try to do that this coming Sunday. By reading the book, watching the DVDs and talking together, we will encourage each other in our marriage relationships.

Even the best marriages take a lot of work. When I used hear a couple say “we never fight,” or “marriage is easy,” I was jealous and thought I was doing marriage wrong. Now I am wise enough to know that people who say those phrases are either lying or deceiving themselves. Marriage is hard work. We all fight with our spouses. We all need encouragement and support from other couples.

Wont you join us this fall from 10:00-10:45am on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall as we study Sacred Marriage? We would welcome your insight as we learn from each other.

As I reflect on the 7 years of my marriage to Austin, I give thanks to God for other couples and books and seminars to help us make our marriage strong. This fall I am excited to strengthen my commitment by studying this book with my church family. I’d love for you to join in.

See you in worship,

Tags: first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc blog, fpcfd, pastor austin, pastors update
