First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


austin's update 7/29

Posted by Austin Hill on

I sometimes hear that people feel like First Presbyterian Church is actually two different congregations. Our church is large enough that is easy to stay involved in one portion of the church while not meeting people who are involved in another segment of the church.

Since we have two different types of worship services, some of us prefer one service over the other. This can be for a variety of reasons. Some prefer worshipping in the sanctuary while others prefer worshiping in the Christian Life Center. Some of us prefer to start they day off, right at 8:45, in worship, while others prefer to have more time in their morning routine before coming to church. Some of us prefer more traditional elements of a worship service, including printed liturgies and hymns from a hymnal, while others prefer a more contemporary service with a different instruments, relying more heavily upon the use of a screen.

As you can imagine, there is a whole spectrum of preferences, and we all find ourselves in slightly different places. Because of this, it’s quite possible for us to never meet other people in the church who are actively participating in our ministry every week. Unless we take great care to go out of our way, meeting people from a different segment within our church, we can miss out on some amazing friendships.

Every August, we plan a church picnic where we encourage everybody to come. This is just one opportunity for you to come and participate in an event where you’ll likely meet people from a different worship service than the one you normally attend. It’s a great chance to meet new friends and get to know people that you might not see very often.

One of the coolest parts of being involved in a church community is that people who might normally had no business hanging out, spend their lives together. Young and old, rich and poor, professional and student – we all eat together, worship together, serve together, and go through the experiences of life. In what other setting does this kind of community happen?

So this August 16th, after our second service, we’ll be heading out to the Kennedy Park shelter house for delicious food, great fellowship, and also a celebration. This year will be particularly special because we are celebrating Gabriel, our new music director.

If you’ve never made it to one our church picnics, make this year the year you come. It’s not required that you bring some food, but it’s always encouraged! I can’t wait to eat a pulled pork sandwich and enjoy multiple desserts with you on the 16th.


Austin D. Hill

Tags: blog, first presbyterian church, fort dodge, fpc, fpcfd, iowa, pastor austin
