Join us each Sunday at 10am in the Sanctuary. CHRISTMAS EVE at 4pm and 7pm in the Sanctuary. IN-PERSON & ONLINE - Bulletin HERE. Click these links to watch on YouTube or Facebook.
While it’s just about as late as possible this year, the season of Lent is right around the corner. Ash Wednesday is March 6 th . We’ll have our annual pancake supper in the Christian Life Center a little earlier this year. It will start at 5pm, because our Ash Wednesday...
Have you ever wondered how some of the business of the church gets done? Like, how do the candles always have oil in them? Who makes sure that there are always people to serve Communion?
We have multiple people in the church who graciously volunteer their time, making sure...
I’m going to go ahead and say it: Advent is my favorite time of year. I try to make it last as long as possible. I often stay up until 2am or later on Christmas morning. Sitting on my couch, listening to Christmas music with all the lights down but the Christmas tree lights...
For this month’s newsletter, I’d like to talk about something very dear to me: food.
I’ve been known to say, “Food makes everything better.” Any chance I have to include food or drink in a meeting, I take. For example, while meeting with couples preparing for...
Fall is here! You’ve probably been hearing about our fall programing plans by now. For the past few months, we’ve been in conversation with people throughout the church to discern God’s leading during this transitional time. While you can read about all of the programs that are...
We have some big news! We are beginning the process to search for a new Associate Pastor.
Throughout this summer, our Session has been developing some of the next steps in our transition process since the resignation of Laura and Libby. Along with the Personnel Ministry Team, our Session...
At the tail end of June, Sara and I drove to a marriage conference in Dallas. The conference was led by a Christian marriage and family therapist named Dr. Corey Allan. I heard about this conference from listening to his weekly podcast, entitled Sexy Marriage Radio.
Don’t let that title...
One of my favorite parts of working in our church is experiencing the diversity within our membership. In a given week, I can meet with a family to talk about baptizing an infant, parents beginning a new stage of life, while I can also meet with a family making plans for a funeral. I love...
Meghan: Hi, my name is Meghan Hanley. I just graduated from high school this spring and will be attending Iowa State University in the fall to study Journalism and Mass Communications with a minor in Business. I love Saturday Night Live, The Rolling Stones, and slushies (a little too much)...
We have some exciting news for the month of July! Mark your calendars for each Sunday, starting on July 1st. We are going to have one Sunday morning worship service for the month of July. We’ll be meeting at 10am each week, worshiping in the sanctuary each Sunday. On that last Sunday of...