First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge


sara's update 8/26

Posted by Sara Hill on

Friends I am excited for all of the events going on this fall! While praying about what studies to lead this fall, I sought the Holy Spirit’s guidance and I feel like the Holy Spirit answered my prayers! I was led away from other studies to the two I have picked in what can only be described as “God moments.” If you’re a woman, please join us on Wednesday mornings (9-11am) in the Commons as we study The Armor of God by Pricilla Shirer. If you’re an adult who is interested in learning how to use marriage as a discipline and a motivation to reflect more of the character of Jesus, please join us as we study Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas (Fellowship Hall, 9:55am on Sunday mornings).

I love fall for many reasons, including a fresh start to study God’s word with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

See you in worship and in Bible study! 


Tags: blog, first presbyterian church fort dodge, fpcfd, sara's update
