Join us each Sunday at 10am in the Sanctuary. CHRISTMAS EVE at 4pm and 7pm in the Sanctuary. IN-PERSON & ONLINE - Bulletin HERE. Click these links to watch on YouTube or Facebook.
On March 15th, members of the councils of North Central Iowa Presbytery, Prospect Hill Presbytery, and Des Moines Presbytery met together to hear a vision of collegiality for the future. Over 30 pastors and ruling elders listened to this vision and heard the story of the 3-year-long process of...
We have exciting news coming up! I can’t tell you just yet, though. We will unveil the news on Easter Sunday in both worship services. Our staff has been making plans for this announcement for the last few months and we can’t wait to let you know. So mark your calendars for Easter...
In January, representatives from the six Presbyteries in Iowa gathered in Perry, IA, for a 24-hour retreat. This group has been meeting every-other-month for the last 18 months to discuss the future and dream together. At first, we all came with our own desires and feelings, but through team...
I would like to start this month’s newsletter off by saying “thank you.” On Sunday, the 18th, we concluded our sermon series that took our mission and vision deeper. I am proud to be a part of our church. In this month-long sermon series, we explored deep issues together...
The other week I went with Everett to his very first visit with the eye doctor. As I remember from when I was young, Everett had fun looking at the pictures and letters through the various lenses and machines. It’s one of the few doctor visits that’s more fun that scary for a child...
My role as Moderator of the Presbytery keeps me busy! On January 8th the Presbytery called a special meeting to examine two candidates for ordination. Janelle Groteluschen was the elder commissioner from our congregation. Ms. Erin Marth from Eden Presbyterian Church in Rudd, was unanimously...
Around the time that you will be reading this, our youth and young adult coordinator, Libby Redmond will have resigned from her position. She has taken a new job in town and is excited about the opportunity. Also inside this newsletter you’ll find a letter she has written. I’d...
Sara’s article: As the moderator of the Presbytery, I get to chose a theme for the year. This theme is woven through our Pastor to the Presbytery’s sermons and throughout our Presbytery worship services. I chose the theme “finding joy.” When I think about finding...
On November 5th I was installed as the Moderator for the Presbytery of North Central Iowa. This is a one-year position, from the 1st Sunday in November 2017 through the 1st Sunday in November 2018. This past year I was vice-moderator and watched Rev. Kerry Carson serve in the Moderator role. I...
As you hear the news each day, controversy, violence, and disagreement seems to be the norm. In just a few weeks, we have an opportunity to go against the stream. For our Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 22, we’re going to do something a little different.
Over the past few...