Join us each Sunday at 10am in the Sanctuary. CHRISTMAS EVE at 4pm and 7pm in the Sanctuary. IN-PERSON & ONLINE - Bulletin HERE. Click these links to watch on YouTube or Facebook.
Hi Friends!
Austin and I depart on Memorial Day to make the 24-hour trip to Tel Aviv, Israel. I’m hoping for a window seat from Newark to Tel Aviv! Along with 23 other pastors from our Presbytery, our group will spend 2 weeks traveling throughout Israel with 3 tour guides. We have been...
Last Thursday morning I did a CrossFit workout with two church members. It took us about 20 minutes, and when I finished I collapsed to the floor, trying to catch my breath. The 2nd person finished around the same time I did. But instead of sitting on the floor next to me, she immediately went...
Guatemala 201614 of us are in Guatemala right now and would appreciate your prayers as we do ministry and serve. Thank you for your generosity in helping us with some of our mission projects. We were overwhelmed with your financial donations to help us build stoves and place people in...
I can’t wait to go to Guatemala! Not just because it is 72 degrees there right now, but to see God at work in a real and tangible way. Any time I step outside of my comfort zone, I find myself more able to be stretched and used by God. When I rely on God more heavily than I usually do, I...
Weekly Bible Studies:Bible at Breakfast Lessons Over Lunch Women’s Bible Study: Wednesdays from 9-11am, Fighting Back with Joy by Margaret Feinberg.
Adult Sunday School classes: Looking at the words of Jesus in the Gospels with Joe and Teresa Jackson (room ____...
This 3rd week of Advent is the week of joy! The beginning of a joy-filled life begins with giving thanks. Giving thanks is an invitation to slow down and fully enter time and see the world around us. An example from my own life: When I slow down in the evening, after dinner and...
Our Advent Devotional book is in people’s hands all over the town. (You can pick up your copy at church if you don’t have one yet.) I hope you enjoy reading it each day. One church member realized that many of the devotionals had to do with fear. Austin’s sermon this past...
As I write this, our church’s Advent Devotional is being printed and assembled by Traci Brown (thank you, Traci!). This was a labor of love, and I am excited to present it to you. We had 22 members contribute reflections and Austin Becker, 9th grader, drew the artwork for the cover...
During our Sunday night adult study called “Breathe” we have looked at making room for Sabbath in our lives. Pricilla Shirer’s teaching is phenomenal and I have learned so much from this study. I know the people attending would say the same thing. This week, Pricilla told us a...
Do you have a story that your family tells over and over at Christmas time? My family always tells the story of how the fully decorated Christmas tree fell over in 1993 and just ask me to tell you the story of the missing gold tennis bracelet! Maybe your family story is a family...