Join us each Sunday at 10am in the Sanctuary. CHRISTMAS EVE at 4pm and 7pm in the Sanctuary. IN-PERSON & ONLINE - Bulletin HERE. Click these links to watch on YouTube or Facebook.
I have been spending 10% of my time each week at Hope Sweet Hope Studios. This is the social enterprise of Gateway to Discovery. Gateway to Discovery is a 2-year residential treatment program for women. They learn job skills at Hope Sweet Hope Studios which is helpful upon their graduation from...
There are often beautiful flowers in the chancel area during worship on Sunday mornings at 8:45am. These are given by individuals or families in our church to mark a special moment in their life: the birthday of a loved one, a wedding anniversary, or another similar moment. If this is something...
I wanted to update all of you on the changes to staffing at the Presbytery level in North Central Iowa. Because of the shrinking size of the membership within our Presbytery, steps were taken last year to partner with other nearby Presbyteries to combine in a few areas. As we seek to follow God...
I recently read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. The last chapter is so funny as the children assemble for what will be a memorable Christmas performance. Little Gladys has been cast as the angel Gabriel, and she is excited to speak her lines. Here came Gladys, “from...
I returned from my CREDO (rhymes with “play-doh”) conference with my cup overflowing. This conference, put on by our denomination, was the best one I’ve ever attended. CREDO aimed at encouraging pastors to be healthy in all areas of their life. We heard lectures on physical...
I’ve always been a fan of the Manning family. From when Archie played football at Ole Miss while my dad and uncles were there, to Peyton and the Colts and Eli with the Giants, my family has always rooted for their team. (Except, of course, when the Giants play the Eagles. Then I can't root...
Dear Friends,
Author Glennon Doyle Melton, in her new book Love Warrior, writes “I wonder why it’s so much easier to be honest with strangers than with family.” We pondered this question together in worship on Sunday. One reason could be that with strangers, we don’t...
My family had a great time at the Home Fest at First this weekend. In particular, the kids loved the Donut Man, the bouncy house, the face-painting, and the outdoor worship service both Saturday night and Sunday morning. As we were driving home on Saturday night Lylah said, “mom, guess...
In Mark 3, Jesus chooses some of his disciples to go up on a mountain with him, and it’s there that he reveals that he’s chosen these 12 men to be his apostles. These 12 men are the ones that Jesus gives authority to: authority to preach and to cast out demons. From his many...
Hi Friends!
Austin and I had an incredible time in the Holy Land. One word that can best describe the trip is enriching. It enriched me personally as it brought vision to my faith by seeing the places where the Biblical events took place. It will enrich my ministry for the years to come as I...